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"Management" Blog Posts

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May 31, 2016

Exploring Leadership Styles – #MTtalk Roundup

There's a well-known quote by E.M. Kelly that says, "Remember the difference between a boss and a leader. A boss says 'Go!' A leader says 'Let's go!'" In reality, this is a differentiation between two distinct leadership styles. The first is a commanding leader; the second is probably a servant leader or a transformational leader. […]

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April 12, 2016

What Qualities Do You Look for in a Leader?

"Managers are people who do things right, leaders are people who do the right thing." – Warren Bennis, author and leadership expert. Chances are, you've experienced working with both good and bad leaders. You may have been inspired by a great leader's vision, and been motivated by his or her passion and commitment to achieving […]


April 5, 2016

Step Off the Sidelines & Get Into the Game!

Ever watch a professional football game on television? The head coach paces back and forth along the sidelines, delivering plays, processing information he receives through his headset from other coaches, and patting players on the back in recognition of their hard work. Through it all, the coach is at the center of a vigorous tornado […]

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February 5, 2016

It Pays to Look After Customer-Facing Staff

I turn my back on the gray, drizzly high street and stand at the threshold of the store, blinking in the light of a thousand LED bulbs. The light bounces off the glossy white walls, and sparkles on the cases of a hundred smooth and futuristic-looking mobile phones. It also glints off the solid black […]

January 5, 2016

Decisions, Decisions...

Google searching "leaders are decisive" resulted in 33.6 million hits. I must have leadership potential because I make hundreds of decisions every day. Many of my decisions are made in the bat of an eye. It was cloudy, so I grabbed a jacket on my way out the door. "Want to go to New York […]

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January 4, 2016

To Thine Own Self be True

Authenticity is one of those overused words. The more it’s crowbarred into corporate literature of all types, the more slippery its meaning becomes. So I found it very helpful to hear Rob Goffee bring the word back to basics, in our Expert Interview podcast. He told me that the Oxford English Dictionary defines “authenticity” as […]

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December 8, 2015

Bosses, Managers and Leaders

Climbing the career ladder will lead you to become a boss, manager and, hopefully, into a leadership position. These terms are somewhat interchangeable but conjure different emotional reactions that I’ll bet we share. We’ve known leaders who act like the bossy know-it-alls that make us cringe. We’ve also known folks far from the top whose […]

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November 6, 2015

My Awkward Team Meeting

  Have you ever been in a team meeting at work and wanted the ground to swallow you up? What's your most cringe-worthy memory of a team meeting that didn't go very well for you? I have been witness to many an awkward moment in meetings, happily not always involving me directly. My awkward moment […]


November 2, 2015

The Paradox of Servant Leadership

Like many people, I’d viewed the idea of ‘servant leadership’ with a fair amount of skepticism. Not knowing much about it, I thought the term itself was a contradiction. How can someone be subservient and lead at the same time? So I was curious to hear what Sen Sendjaya had to say, when I interviewed […]

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October 30, 2015

What Gives You Your "Get Up and Go?"

"Motivation is when your dreams put on work clothes."  ~ Benjamin Franklin. Motivation is the feeling that makes you want to act now or, as Benjamin Franklin put it, "put on work clothes" and get busy. It’s the excitement about a future plan or a success, and the drive that turns an idea into reality. […]

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