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Communication Blog Posts

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October 14, 2021

Why Listening Should Be Top of Our Lists

All I wanted was to be listened to, for five minutes. I’d still have been out of a job. But I might have left thinking I'd been valued


June 17, 2021

Three Reasons Answers Are More Important Than Questions

Every question starts as an imperfect answer that stimulates curiosity in the world


May 28, 2021

What Generation Am I: Geriatric Millennial?

It's now possible to find yourself working with people from four different "generations." Definitions vary, but are they just stereotypes?


May 25, 2021

Language That Divides – #MTtalk Roundup

"Language conveys not only basic messages but also nuance. That's really important on social media that doesn't do great with inflections." - JKatzaman


October 14, 2020

Racism in the Workplace: No Laughing Matter

Jeffrey, Esh and Sai continue their conversation about exclusion in the workplace, racist jokes, and comments that "white lives matter"

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October 8, 2020

How to Have Difficult Conversations Online – Your Top Tips!

We asked our social media friends and followers for their top tips on how to handle difficult virtual conversations. Here's a selection of the best responses


September 16, 2020

Racism in the Workplace and BLM: Our First Conversation

Have you ever discussed racism at work? Perhaps you're worried about reactions, or you're tired of explaining yourself. Listen to this conversation for starters

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July 17, 2020

Introverts and Extroverts – Who Wins at Home?

Has staying home under lockdown given introverts the edge over extroverts? They can still feel overwhelmed

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June 25, 2020

Don’t Ignore the Messenger: Our Expert Interview With Stephen Martin and Joseph Marks

What makes you sit up and listen to someone? In our latest Expert Interview podcast, we learn about the eight traits of effective communicators


April 30, 2020

Connecting in a Time of Isolation: Our Expert Interview With Melanie Katzman

In this Expert Interview podcast, best-selling author Melanie Katzman explains why connecting at work matters, and shares her tips on building relationships virtually as well as face-to-face


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