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"Career management" Blog Posts

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February 28, 2017

Coaching Skills for Managers: Good, Bad, and the Ugly

Please join us! What: #MTtalk Where: Twitter When: Friday, Mar 3 @ 1pm EST (6pm GMT) Topic: Coaching Skills for Managers Host: @Mind_Tools About this Week’s Chat When I was younger, "running" was very much a four-letter word, as I firmly believed I was just not designed to do it. I played hockey, and after school […]

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January 4, 2017

How to Stop Your Workload From Snowballing During the Holidays

Like many of you, yesterday was my first day back in the office after what I had hoped would be a serene and calming Christmas holiday (but what became – as per usual – a non-stop cavalcade of cooking, wrapping up presents, cooking, meeting up with friends and family, and yet more cooking). Saying that, it was […]


November 17, 2016

Actions: Do They Really Speak Louder Than Words?

My early memories are dominated by being both in awe of – and intimidated by – my older brother Mike. He knew exactly how to appear smart, useful, funny, and cool. He was usually a good brother but, when the mood struck him, he was quick to remind me just how far I fell short […]

June 20, 2016

The Power of the Life Plan

It's said that most people spend more time planning a vacation than they do planning their lives. But a good life plan, which you return to and amend regularly, can be a very useful tool for career success. In the words of executive coach and author Daniel Harkavy, it makes you "more proactive and intentional" and less "reactive […]

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May 23, 2016

Goal-Setting: Benefits and Cautions

Goals? Sure, I have them and I could more or less tell you what they are, but I didn't need to write them down like all those motivational speakers told me to do. Why? Like auditor Todd Weinman, I recoiled at the notion of being controlled – even when the "controller" is someone as likable […]

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May 10, 2016

Your Top Tips For Giving and Receiving Feedback at Work

"We all need people who will give us feedback. That's how we improve." – Bill Gates, American business magnate. Feedback... There is something inherently awkward about the process of giving and receiving feedback. If done – and taken – in a negative vein, it can feel a lot like judging or being judged, and that never leaves us feeling […]

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April 19, 2016

Getting Ahead in Your Career – #MTtalk Roundup

The question "Where do you see yourself five years from now?" is an old interview favorite. To you, it may be about being promoted through the ranks in the same company. To someone else, it's all about working in different companies, industries and even countries to expand his or her knowledge and experience. Age, life […]


March 28, 2016

I, Robot: A Glimpse of the Future

Androids, cyber criminals, and ingenious scientists who push the limits of knowledge are mainstays of science fiction. But little by little, they've been moving from the imaginations of writers into the real world, and they're changing it – for better and for worse. Most of us can't stop the march of innovation, and perhaps we […]


January 25, 2016

Future Success? It's All on You

These days, there's change everywhere you look, from new technology in the office to new ways of communicating with friends. It's great when this change is easy to keep up with. But sometimes new systems and approaches can cause anxiety. Will other people "get with the program" more quickly than we do? What does that […]

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January 8, 2016

Coach to Set Your People's Potential Free!

If you want to explore different ways to develop your people's skills and improve their performance at work, you may consider coaching them. Whereas coaching is seen by some as a corrective tool for when things are "going wrong," with careful planning, it can be a positive technique that will help your coachees to focus […]

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